Cybersecurity / MindSphere / Ticketing
Worth reading:

Can Technology save us from Technology?



Ist das möglich? Hier ein paar Statements, warum ich den Artikel für sehr lesenswert halte:

„It’s an understatement to say that, as marketers, salespeople and startup types, we rely on technology. It’s our boss, our ally and our blessing. It’s (almost) the only thing we need to get by.“

„When humans try and do a bunch of things at once, all of those things suffer. And continually switching between tasks actually lowers our mental capacity over time.“

„On average, it takes us 25 minutes to mentally return to our original task after an interruption, and when we do return, we’re often unable to work to the same capacity as we were previously.“

„The constant noise around us will die down until we realize we’re in silence.“

— Read on


Auch interessant: Statt Go West lautet der Slogan nun Go East, zumindest für die KI-Technology-Freaks, der kostenlose DDV-Branchentrend


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